The Investment Manager shall invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of listed transferable securities including equities and debt securities, listed money market instruments, FDIs and eligible ETFs. The Investment Manager may invest in these asset classes either directly or indirectly through UCITS Funds and/or eligible non-UCITS Funds.

The Sub-Fund may invest in corporate and/or sovereign bonds of any credit rating. The Sub-Fund may also invest a small portion of its assets in non-rated bonds. The bond portfolio of the Sub-Fund is expected to have an average duration of one (1) to seven (7) years.

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Squarepoint is a privately held firm led by its four founding partners across many cities around the world.

The business dates back to 2000 and has evolved through Lehman Brothers and Barclays before becoming independent in December 2014.

At Squarepoint, collaboration occurs across all teams, sharing investment ideas and promoting a culture of ownership and accountability. Deep expertise across Quantitative Investment Management, Technology and Trading Operations.

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Winton Capital is a  quantitative investment management firm. Their goal is to generate returns for  clients across a range of market environments. The design of  strategies is based on original research, rigorous statistical analysis, and deep experience of markets.

Research, design and trade systematic investment strategies is the  aim  to generate absolute returns and provide valuable diversification for clients’ wider portfolios across a range of market environments.

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